Thursday, January 12

A Changed State of Mind

Wow! So when I left off last, I was hoping for not too many bug bites, and had plans to go to Inan Itah. I have indeed made it to Inan Itah! It is a special place, I believe I am having an experience here that I'll look back on, later in life, as a profound one.

Inan Itah is "An Earth Based Spiritual Community". I DID NOT fully internalize this before coming here. haha! I had a feeling that there was gonna be a spiritual aspect to the place, but what I was really coming for was to volunteer on the farm. This is not anything close to what actually happened.

I arrived to Inan Itah safely. I was greeted by a gal named Vallery; I was hungry, and feeling a little stressed. She talked to me in a soft, and calm voice. She asked me what my intentions were at Inan Itah. Well! I hadn't even thought of my intentions. I came up with some "intensions on the spot, communicated them, we talked a little bit more, and then she took me for a tour of the place. As we walked around, it began to sink in that being at Inan Itah would be a different experience for me than anything I had experienced before.

It took me a couple days to settle in. I have now been here a week. I chose to title this blog post "A Changed State of Mind" because that is the most accurate description to how I feel here. Things move slower, there is a really big emphasis on community, judgement don't seem to exist, and there is a lot of hugging. If you haven't thought already "so is she living on a hippie commune?", nows your chance to. A hippie commune is definitely a label you could put on Inan Itah.

I don't really have plans of how long I will stay at Inan Itah or what my "intentions are here" but my changed state of mind feels good and that is keeping me here at the moment.

Today I spent my day walking around and interacting and communicating with people. That's basically it! Well there was also some dancing. Many people here are agreeing it's a great place to relax, and I am personally feeling a new level of relaxation than ever before.

I am glad I was able to find time to write this blog post tonight. I know there are many people - family, friends, whatever, who enjoy reading this blog! Please feel free to comment, I really enjoy getting comments. A significant number of folks have told me that they couldn't figure out how to comment, so if you have a comment and want to avoid a potentially frustrating process, please feel free to email me your comment instead. I will very much enjoy getting that as well.

Ok. Much peace to all of you reading this. I am writting this from a very peaceful state of mind, maybe you are reading this and gaining a peaceful state of mind as well.
Hmm, well I sure hope that's the case!

Chau for now :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hannah! Your life sounds simply amazing! Im so glad to hear everything is going so well and I just adore reading about all your adventures. You are one very cool chick. Love from CO, Madison
