Wednesday, February 1

Bona Fide - it was fun, i learned a lot, good-bye for now

It has been too long! Since I have last posted I have had many adventures around the Island of Ometepe. I explored a beautiful waterful, visited Moyogalpa for a night, watched a circus perform and eaten lots of rice and beans!

I have spent the last 2 weeks at Bona Fide, a Permaculture farm with a very powerful mission filled with some very powerful people. I was drawn away from Inan Itah and towards Bona Fide because of the people there, and then once I got there I realized there was this whole world of Permaculture that I wanted to learn so much about that really drew me in. To give a brief definition, Permaculture is a term used to describe how humans can best sustainably interact with the land. This of course means from an agricultural standpoint, but it speaks to the type of stuctures we build on the land, how we use the land for exercise and pleasure and so on. To me Permaculture is a big idea (and very exciting and growing idea) about how to live sustainably in every aspect of your life.

So why would I ever leave Bona Fide, you are probably wondering! Well they are starting a fancy Permaculture Design Course this week that is way out of my budget and things were getting very hectic so I am going to find relaxation again - I´m headed to the Carribean coast!

I am currently in a port town on Ometepe waiting for the boat to come tomorrow night to take me across Lake Nicaragua to the mouth of the Rio San Juan where I´ll take another boat traveling east along the river to the beautiful Carribean Sea! There are many stops along the Rio San Juan that I am planning to take; it is a very biodiverse area that I have heard is breath taking, so there will be no need to rush the trip.

The Caribean coast of Nicaragua has a differnet culture of its own. There is even a slower paced, relaxed vibe, and the locals speak creole rather than spanish. Many people at Bona Fide have made this crazy boat adventure to the Carribean and only say good things about it. When I get to the Carribean it will mean I have spent about 20 hours on a boat, so that will be an adventure in itself!

Most excitingly Mama and Papa are coming to visit me in the middle of Februray! I will make my way back to Managua around that time to great them off the plane and help them make an easy transition into this different and beautiful culture of Nicaragua! I know it will precious time, as my parents from a first world country and my experience these past weeks in this third world county come together to form a world of our own on a great vacation!

In the spirit and idea of permaculture, I´ll end with a challenge to do something more environmentally sustainable today that you usually do... Use both sides of paper, remember to bring your reusable water bottle, reduce, reuse and recycle your waste in to better and greener things! And as always stay positive and find beauty in all things! Good vibes from me to you. Much Love and Peace

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've been having a great experience. Wish I could see it all! Enjoy the rest of your time there...
