Sunday, February 26

I didnt want to believe it could happen to me...

Fortunately for you all, I only write my blogposts when I´m in a good mood and have a good story to tell... This past Tuesday I slept all day. Friday I found out I have parasites.

If I always followed the rules, a) I would be a totally different persone and b) life would not be anywhere close to as interesting. Before I life my travel doctor basically told me to never eat anything from street vendors, dont eat fruits and vegtables unless you wash them yourself or know the water was ok, and to not eat ice. I followed these ¨rule¨ for about the first week. A girl can only go without fresh veggies for so long! And those totillas and coconut candies from the street vendors... you cant get those in boston! SO. I had been eating exactly how I shouldnt had been and I am reeping the consequences. By the time I figured out what I had, my body had already started fighting it and I was feeling better, and Im almost back to 100% now.

Other than that, my visit with my parents this past week was, eventful, frustraiting, and exciting, AND of course filled with a lot of love. Its crazy the affect a culture shock can have on a person. When my parents arrived 8 days ago, I had fully adjusted, and had really been enjoying living in rural towns of Nicaragua ...not seeing any other white people, eating the good local food, chatting with locals all day. I definitley should have done a little more metal preperations because as soon as Mom and Dad landed in the country, I was overtaken my the pieces of American Culture they brought with them, as they were overtaken by men on donkeys next to our taxi on the highway, and the buring piles of trash throughout the landscape, and all the other developing vs. developed world differences.

Overall, it was a crazy and wonderful week that my parents and I got to spend together. Once we both got over our own culture shocks I felt like I was able to rediscover the country with them with was really special. I will tressure forever the conversations about poverty, and politics we had, which wouldnt have taken place, at the level and intellect they did, if we werent sitting at a table in the middle of a central park in Nicaragua together.

So, once again, I have met up with some new travelers... This time Nicaraguan! They are 4 friends who are all street jewlery artists. They were in Granada when I was there with my parents and yesterday we traveled to San Juan del Sur together because there are so many gringos here. More gringos = more business. No saying how long I hang out with these cool cats. And my spanish gets better everyday when they insist that I attempt to not speak English!

Well the ocean is calling! The sun is out, and I committed to making salsa this morning to go with the gallo pinto and tortillas for breakfast!

Much Peace and Love to Everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The fruit seemed fresh and lovely;
    doctor's warnings way too motherly.
    Then just as the fun would multiply,
    came the unwelcome visitor: E. coli.
