Friday, October 28

14 hours = 1 knitted sweater?

The first destination of my gap year is South Carolina. I am staying with my second cousin once removed (not kidding) and his wife and interning for the organization call City Roots [].

I decided to take a train down the South Carolina, a) because I thought it might be more environmentally friendly and b) because who doesn't want to spend 14 hours sitting in the same exact seat?!?. I also decided I was going to attempt to knit an entire sweater. I knew going in, that it was an ambitious task, but I thought, "I have to at least try". After 14 hours and some very tired fingers I had completed 10% of the sweater at best... My new goal: 2 months in South Carolina = 1 sweater. I'll keep you posted on that.

I left out of Penn Station in NYC, and it was the classic "send your kid off". My dad drove me from Andover to the train station. We were rushed to get there on time, but thankfully did have time for a big final hug and "I love you". The final glimpse of my Dad was the top of his head, as the escalator I was on descended down to the train platform. I will admit I was holding back tears, it was crazy when it hit me that I was actually leaving. All we needed was some sappy music and it could have been a scene from a movie.

I couldn't have asked for a better guy to sit next to on the train. No future husband but friendly and very respectful. He was my dad's age (born the same year!) and was headed down to South Carolina to see his family for the first time in 30 years! Across the isle from us were two ladies in their mid 70s. It was a sure sign that they were true southern bells when one leaned over and said "What are ya knittin' over there dear?" This sparked a conversation about knitting patterns and different tricks we use throughout different types of projects.

It was hard to believe the train ride was actually over when I heard the conductor call my stop. But at 1:46 in the morning on October 28, 2011, I stepped off the train, and stepped onto South Carolina ground for the first time in my life. This is the start of my adventure.

1st seed sewn: long train rides.

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