Sunday, October 30

When in South Carolina do as South Carolinians?

It's been a full and excited first three days in South Carolina. Friday I went for a tour at City Roots and started looking for a paying job. Saturday I caught up on sleep, went to a local farmers market and looked for a paying job. Today I went for a hike in the morning and then looked for a paying job. I guess I should have let my dad's warning sink in a little bit more when he pointed out that South Carolina's unemployment level was higher than the National average, as well as how living in a college town would make finding a job a little bit more difficult than I would expect... There really is no reason to rant about the unfortunate job status though, I've submitted 4 applications already and will keep it up until I get a job that will work for me.

I'm really enjoying it down here, I love the change of scenery. The typical "southern" things I've encountered so far are:
1. People talking half the speed I am
2. Anyone you pass on the street giving you a friendly "hi" and a big smile
3. Trying grits for the first time
4. Hearing the aligators called gata'
It's all made me wonder how many southern quirks I will take with me when I travel back north or elsewhere. hmm. I do like the sound of ya'll...

Today my cousin Greg, myself and one of his friends (a philosophy professor) went for a hike in the Congaree National Park. (This is where I heard someone say gata', although we didn't see one.) This park is the home to the largest known Loblolly Pine tree. This beast extends 166 feet in height and over 15 feet in circumference. Of course I felt obligated to gave this king of a tree a big ol' hug. I was very interested by the different type of forest I was walking through, but not as much as Greg! He is a geology and environmental science professor at USC and would frequently stop along the trail, stare at given natural feature, sometimes ask a question to Jerry or I about it, and then continue on and jump back into whatever conversation we were having. (He makes fun of himself too for being such an academic.)

SO, tomorrow is the big first day at City Roots! I have my overalls, work shirt, and flannel sweater all laid out so I can jump into them and bike the 2 miles to my internship in the morning! Expect a post tomorrow night or Tuesday night all about my first day at City Roots and all the sun I've been soaking up, compared to [cough cough] New England...

As always, keep thinking green! Do one thing a day to help out the planet, and together we'll make it a more beautiful place!!!

1 comment:

  1. First comment. Sounds like you're having a great time. Looking forward to hearing more
