Saturday, October 29

Whoops! "sow" not "sew"...

What would we do without teachers? If you have made it to this second post you have probably already laughed at me for using the wrong "sew". I only discovered this, not because of careful proofreading but because my 3rd grade teacher messaged me on facebook to correct me! I don't think I'm going to change the name of the blog to correct it, but instead will try to think of a way to make "sew" also metaphorical... When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Any ideas for a metaphor? I'll add it to the description!

1 comment:

  1. The lightbulb turned on as I was in CVS printing out pictures of dear family and friends for my room... Now "Sewing My Seeds" will have a 3rd meaning. When a seamstress sews an article of clothing, they join multiple pieces of fabric together to create one piece of clothing. This equates to me piecing together multiple internships, travel destinations, and jobs throughout my gap year.

    If I was staying in one place for the year, I would have a mere scarf of a gap year, but since I am traveling around I will hopefully have a created an elaborate pair of pants (with many pockets) by the time I head off to college!

    How's that for lemonade?
