Sunday, November 13


Back in September, I attended a conference held by the Millennium Campus Network, and was connected with the grassroots organization called ONE. ONE was started by Bono of U2, to work on global issues such as eradication global poverty and increasing people's access to food and water. With the upcoming presidential election, ONE is trying to bring awareness to the candidates about these issues. Since South Carolina is now one of the earlier states to hold a presidential primary there is substantial motivation for candidates to visit the state. So... did anyone see me in the audience at the GOP debate in Spartenburg South Carolina last night??? I was there.

Getting a ticket to the GOP debate wasn't too bad of a night considering it was my second day on the job. haha! It really was just lucky timing, Charlie the field organizer for this area was just looking for more people to bring so that we could better spread out to talk to candidates. Fortunately we had gotten some time to talk to candidates on Friday at a local veterans day parade where Bachmann and Perry made an appearance, and earlier on Saturday at Gingrich's office opening in Greenvile, there was too much security at the debate to get any face to face time...

So other than the obvious activism learning experience I have gotten so far from ONE, getting to see a GOP debate in person was pretty awesome too. I can't say I'm a republican so it wasn't like I got to see a politician I really liked, but I did get to witness a part of our democratic process. I really feel like activism is something I would like to pursue. There is something inside of me that has a need to create positive change not only with our planet but within humanity as well.

So tomorrow I start my 3rd week here in South Carolina! I hope to post something about the farm at some point this week, after all its the main reason I'm down here is this crazy state!

Much Peace.

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