Monday, November 28

Tomato in Prose

Tomatoes for Chirstmas! What a fabulous idea!!!

I won't blame the Tomatoes entirely for my blog absence, but they do have something to do with it. They are a labor intensive plant, especially when there are 200 of them. I have been trellising them, de-suckering (taking off extra growths) and giving them lots of love.

There is something unique about a Tomato plant. It has a distinct smell that can easily bring back memories of the last time one committed back breaking work to a precious Tomato plant. Today when I was supposed to be harvesting sunflower micro-greens (very detailed and monotonous work) I was lured over to the Tomatoes just on the other side of the green house. As I worked to make all the Tomato plants the best they could be, I was inspired to comprise the poem I posted before this. It was a group effort by many City Roots interns in the green house. Some wanted to contribute negative feelings towards the marvelous Tomato plant but I wouldn't allow it.

I was proud to report to Eric at the end of the day that the Tomatoes were in perfect condition. I got a high five for that!

In other news, I still haven't picked up a chicken. I suspect it will happen one day when a chicken comes too close to one of my Tomato plants and I'll have to relocate it.

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