Sunday, November 6

This is why I am here.

I had a couple of different reasons for deciding to take a year off from school. The primary reason, was to broaden my horizons, and just see something different. Secondly I wanted to learn! Thus far in my life I have noticed that some of the best learning experiences have taken place far away from any school or classroom. (Not that school doesn't have its place) but it's a big world and there is endless knowledge to seek out. Traveling and getting involved in various organizations that interest me are two of the many ways I intend to learn on my gap year. Finally (although not "lastly" as there are pages full of reasons I took a year off) I wanted to take a break. Like many of my comrades at Andover High School, I was burnt out from juggling school work, too many extracurricular activities, and college applications, while simply trying to grow up!

I think to say, that one of my goals for my gap year is to learn how to relax, isn't a bad thing. Most wise people will say that moderation is the key to life. There are only so many job applications I can do in one day, and so many hours of NPR I can comprehend; one must make time for knitting while watching Grey's Anatomy!

Today while helping Greg chip the cement off bricks that he's hoping to reuse, a lovely feeling of true relaxation came over me. I feel settled in here. City Roots is going fabulously, I have a job interview tomorrow, and I'm meeting some great people. "Now I can allow myself to relax," I thought. I can reflect, take time to nourish the relationships in my life, and explore my interests! What lovely things!

It's Sunday night, tomorrow is a new week where opportunities lie. I hope to broaden my horizons, learn, and relax, everyday of this week. This is why I am here.

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