Saturday, December 24

Next Stop, Nicaragua!

For those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas! As I am gearing up for my Christmas celebrations with my family, I am also balancing my time packing for Nicaragua. I will spending three months down there, mostly on an Island called Ometepe. There are three different farms I will be staying at on the island, volunteering my time and learning about their various, organic and permaculture practices. Each of the three farms have different unique qualities to them.

The first farm, El Zopilote, is the largest of the farms, and closely focuses on all the different aspects of permaculture. The second farm, Inan Itah, has a strong spiritual aspect to it's community. They offer yoga and meditation classes throughout the week. The final farm, Project Bona Fide, is the most impressive in my opinoin, as they have an expansive sustainable farm, and also use it as a teaching tool for local Nicaraguans.

Towards the end of my trip I will take two to three weeks to travel around northern Nicaragua and exploring the culture.

It would be dishonest to say I'm not nervous for this trip. I've never traveled alone before, and I've never been to a developing country. I can say, however, that for every nervous emotion there is an equal feeling of excitement. I truly think my time in Nicaragua will be a time that I will look back on fondly.

There are internet cafes that I hope I can post from in Nicaragua, so that I can continue to tell the story of my adventure!

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