Thursday, December 8

Holding Chickens and Driving Tractors!

 My day at City Roots started with microgreen harvesting and processing - just an average day. After lunch, Robbie, the farm owner asked, "Hannah, it's coming down to your last days on the farm, is there anything you've been wanting to do?" I looked at him, and reluctantly smiled. "Well", I started, "I told myself I would overcome my fear of picking up a chicken before I left"... Robbie is a fast moving guy, so without missing a beat, he states, "Ok! To the chicken coop. After, I'll teach you how to drive the tractor." My mind didn't even have time to process it, but my legs started moving as I followed Robbie the the back of the farm.

Once in the chicken coop I went over to collect the eggs, in hope of prolonging the big moment any bit more. As I put the last egg in the basket, I looked up and Robbie was walking toward me with a chicken in his hands. "Here" he says. He hands the chicken over to me without giving me a chance to think twice. I opened my arms, tried to get squirmish and accepted the chicken. Once in my hands the fear had totally passed, and the only thing I could do was stroke it's feathers! It was far bonier than I imagined it being, and thankfully very calm. I won't go as far as to say I'd want one as a pet to crawl into bed with me at night but I can imagine I'll grow some sort of special love for them.

Next we moved over to the tractor where there was a large mass of compost to be moved around.  Robbie started by climbing into the tractor, and explained what all the levers and pedals did as I watched and listened. I got into the drivers seat as soon as he would let me and just went for it. Some how a heavy piece of machinery made me much less nervous than and small animal with feathers. I successfully moved 3 bucket loads of compost, and I would have stayed on it for the rest of the day if I could. If fact, the only reason a tractor isn't on my Christmas list, is they haven't come out with a solar powered one yet!

Another day, another adventure! Thanks for reading! Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah!
    This is Tom, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Leonard writing to ya. So cool to hear of your adventures. Tom read your Andover article and Nancy is living through your stories. She too went from New England down to Atlanta and has some funny stories to share as well. Tom is trying to teach them how to write comments on your blog. Hugs, tom
